
Is recruiting prior to Christmas a good decision for your business?

almost 5 years ago by Sally Bartley

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The silly season is almost upon us, and we know how this can impact on your work environment in the lead up to Christmas. Business Owners and Managers can face an array of pressures; including wrapping up projects by the end of the year and impending extended leave from key stakeholders.

This can often lead to important workforce planning and recruitment decisions made on a whim, which can result in major impacts on the productivity of your business down the line. A common decision that requires consideration is whether your business should recruit prior to Christmas.  Now, I’m not going to pretend to have all the answers; although my children might disagree! Because truthfully the answer is that there is no right or wrong answer!

Each workplace is unique in its own way with differing team cultures, structures, complexities and requirements, meaning there is no cookie-cutter approach when it comes to recruitment. What you can do however, is make an informed decision on what is best for your business and your team. To guide you through this, I’ve put together the below pros and cons for recruiting prior to Christmas.

Pros for recruiting prior to Christmas:

  • Your business receives a head-start. As a Business Owner or Manager, you can rest easy over the Christmas break knowing you have the right team on board to commence 2020. Businesses can often suffer from lost productivity throughout January, February and possibly March depending on candidates notice periods.

  • Your new team member receives a head-start. Onboarding new starters prior to Christmas will allow sufficient time to find their feet in their new role, enjoy a nice break and then hit the ground running in the New Year. Your new starter will appreciate the support in setting them up for success.

  • Meet and greets are simplified. The outfits are ready and the drinks are on ice – it’s Christmas Party season! With a plethora of social events coming up, there are plenty of opportunities to introduce your new starter to the team and key stakeholders in a professional yet social manner.

  • Reap the financial benefits. If your business operates on a Calendar Year budget, you have the added benefit of fitting any recruitment and hiring costs into this year’s budget and start fresh in 2020.

Cons for recruiting prior to Christmas:

  • Important decisions might be rushed. Recruitment and workforce planning can have a significant effect on productivity and bottom-line results, meaning decisions should be carefully considered with all stakeholders in agreeance. If your business is entering a busy cycle during Christmas, you may rush this critical decision. Your recruiter needs to ensure they are managing this process and challenging the panel if this is occurring.

  • Disjointed onboarding can arise. Often businesses close for the Christmas break, sometimes for an extended time or key stakeholders take lengthy leave into the school holidays. This doesn’t allow for a smooth and structured onboarding process for new starters, which can result in a negative experience. Make sure your new hire has an Onboarding Buddy who is readily available.

  • Financial strain may occur. Consider the costs associated with recruiting your particular role prior to Christmas and the effect this will have on the budget. Don’t forget public holidays that fall during the Christmas period. What we do know is businesses that demonstrate commitment to their employees upfront attract good quality talent, and set the scene early for their values.

  • Christmas is a busy time for everyone. Just like businesses, candidates can experience pressures in the lead up to Christmas. Their workplace may be experiencing a peak in cycle or they have lots of Christmas planning to do at home, so job hunting might the last thing on their mind. Make sure your recruiter isn’t relying on old-school advertising response; approaching candidates directly is required especially this time of the year.

If you’re still considering your end of year plan, let us help you make the decision that is right for you and your business. Our Recruitment Specialists will help you uncover the best option for you. We’re here to make your life easier, after all.