
‘Try before you buy’ - The many benefits of temp work

about 7 years ago by Amy King

Temping Is The New Black Fb

Gone are the days when job tenure with a single employer was a badge of honour; Millennials have been dubbed the ‘job-hopping generation’ and a recent study forecast that Generation Z will have an average of six careers in their lifetime.

This is great news for us recruiters as it allows us to sell the many benefits of temporary work – or ‘temping’ – to a larger, and more willing, component of the workforce.

So, what are the benefits of temping?

  • Flexibility

Are you studying and just want work during the holidays? Do you like to work just long enough to save money for your next fabulous overseas holiday? Have a business on the side and just need to supplement your income? Or just enjoy working intermittently? Short-term temp assignments give you the freedom to work when it suits you so you can get busy achieving whatever your other life goals might be!

  • You can ‘try before you buy’

Curious about trying out a new industry or business that has caught your eye but hesitant to commit to a permanent role? A temp role will very quickly give you insight into the way a business operates, its company culture and what your potential role might look like long term. A company may think they are trying you out for size, but you can be doing exactly the same thing.

  • Build your network

In a regional city like Newcastle, opportunity often presents itself via the people you know. Temp assignments give you the chance to showcase your skills and work ethic to a broad range of people in a short period of time. Execute this well and your reputation will start to win opportunities for you! You would be amazed how often our temp staff are asked back to businesses or referred to other businesses due to impressing the right people in a temp job.

  • Grow your skillset and confidence

Completing short-term assignments exposes you to different computer systems, business processes, leadership styles and increases your ability to quickly adapt to new environments. Often businesses come to us for temps as they are experiencing work overload or some other pain point so you can gain a lot of confidence from realising you have the ability to add value to a business from day one.

  • Buy yourself time to find the perfect permanent role

Temping provides an opportunity to build your CV and keep income coming in while taking the time to be selective about your next long-term position. It is also often the case that temp work leads to an offer of permanent employment, so it can be a great way to ‘get a foot in the door’!

At peoplefusion we are always on the look-out for candidates to join our team of temps, so if you’re interested in becoming a part of the peoplefusion family in 2018 and would like to know more, please get in touch. Call Amy, Kathy or Abby on 02 4929 1666 – we’d love to hear from you!